选用优质压敏电阻器,质量保证提前预放避雷针工作原理:提前预放避雷针工作原理:TOPIKE (矛头)提前放电式避雷针(E . S . E.)的原理,是由一个人造的离子产生器吸收向下前导的电场能量产生高电压. 电解避雷针四周围的离子造成离子束, 在地面的规划高点上创造一个较有利的雷击点.
The TOPIKE Early Streamer Emission (E . S . E.) lightning ∞nduclor principle is to artificially create, with an ionizing device.a poweful ascending tracer which neutralizes all other ascending tracers and thus produces a privileged lightning impact point on its tip whatever the thundercloud poIarity may be.
下降前导有正极性或负极性,该提前放电式避雷针会随着下前导的极性, 而产生正离子或负离子。
Ascending tracer has polarity with posìtive and negative.
TOPIKE E.S. E. will create positive or negative ion according tracer.
TOPIKE(矛头)提前放电式避雷针(E. S. E.)的专利技术. 是具有吸收雷云下前导四周围电场强度的能量. 经过该避雷针的增强器产高压及火花放电使避雷针周围电离化。该高压火花放电会在雷击前的一段时间产生. 将避雷针周围空气禽子化提升向上前导的高度. 造成被规划的及较有效的雷击点。当雷接触到避雷针时放电电流会l颐着接地导体直接传到接地极。TOPIKE(矛头)提前放电式避雷针的所有动作元件皆被密封在特殊工程塑料内并与雷云放电通路分开,以免避雷针受雷击后被放电电流及电压所损坏。
The patented TOPIKE Early Streamer Emìssion (E . S . E.) lightning conductor, líke the earlier model, works from the energy of the thunder cIoud electrical field transmitted via the descending tracers. Its ionizìng devìce captures the ambient electromagnetic field, this powerful rising potentil is sìmultaneously amplìfied by a device based on spark gapS. The resulting ionization causes a significant advance on the star Up time of both and negative discharges, When the lightning stroke reches the rod,the discharge current is deviated to an eledrode directly connected to earth, protecting the ionizing device of the TOPIKE lightning conductor. The active parts of this device beìng shunted. It can resist the most powerful strokes.
提前预放避雷针的激发器与反射器和中央收集杆是绝缘的。激发器和反射器有特殊的尖端结构,激发器从自然界的电场中吸收并贮存能量。反射器与避雷针先与大地良好相接,电位相同。通常情况下,激发器与反射器之间有一定的电磁场强度。雷电接闪前,避雷针在静电感应作用下,避雷针上的异种电荷迅速增多,电场强度迅速增强激发器与反射器之间的电压降迅速增加,尖端打火激电周围空气电离。 电离的空气使提前预放避雷针中央的集杆和激发器在极短的时间放电。提前预放避雷针,因其特殊的结构,大量空气电离子的存在一个比普通避雷针更快的上行放电通道,将雷电的异种电荷提前中和,泄放到大地,更好地保护建筑。
The TOPIKE Early Streamer Emission (E . S . E.) lightning ∞nduclor principle is to artificially create, with an ionizing device.a poweful ascending tracer which neutralizes all other ascending tracers and thus produces a privileged lightning impact point on its tip whatever the thundercloud poIarity may be.
下降前导有正极性或负极性,该提前放电式避雷针会随着下前导的极性, 而产生正离子或负离子。
Ascending tracer has polarity with posìtive and negative.
TOPIKE E.S. E. will create positive or negative ion according tracer.
TOPIKE(矛头)提前放电式避雷针(E. S. E.)的专利技术. 是具有吸收雷云下前导四周围电场强度的能量. 经过该避雷针的增强器产高压及火花放电使避雷针周围电离化。该高压火花放电会在雷击前的一段时间产生. 将避雷针周围空气禽子化提升向上前导的高度. 造成被规划的及较有效的雷击点。当雷接触到避雷针时放电电流会l颐着接地导体直接传到接地极。TOPIKE(矛头)提前放电式避雷针的所有动作元件皆被密封在特殊工程塑料内并与雷云放电通路分开,以免避雷针受雷击后被放电电流及电压所损坏。
The patented TOPIKE Early Streamer Emìssion (E . S . E.) lightning conductor, líke the earlier model, works from the energy of the thunder cIoud electrical field transmitted via the descending tracers. Its ionizìng devìce captures the ambient electromagnetic field, this powerful rising potentil is sìmultaneously amplìfied by a device based on spark gapS. The resulting ionization causes a significant advance on the star Up time of both and negative discharges, When the lightning stroke reches the rod,the discharge current is deviated to an eledrode directly connected to earth, protecting the ionizing device of the TOPIKE lightning conductor. The active parts of this device beìng shunted. It can resist the most powerful strokes.
提前预放避雷针的激发器与反射器和中央收集杆是绝缘的。激发器和反射器有特殊的尖端结构,激发器从自然界的电场中吸收并贮存能量。反射器与避雷针先与大地良好相接,电位相同。通常情况下,激发器与反射器之间有一定的电磁场强度。雷电接闪前,避雷针在静电感应作用下,避雷针上的异种电荷迅速增多,电场强度迅速增强激发器与反射器之间的电压降迅速增加,尖端打火激电周围空气电离。 电离的空气使提前预放避雷针中央的集杆和激发器在极短的时间放电。提前预放避雷针,因其特殊的结构,大量空气电离子的存在一个比普通避雷针更快的上行放电通道,将雷电的异种电荷提前中和,泄放到大地,更好地保护建筑。